Stay Strong Minded & Stick to Your Guns

woman in donated car stays strong

Amy's Story

On the hunt for a better life, Amy found CityLink and started the Cornerstone Construction Training in February 2023. Some tough challenges came up, but Amy stayed strong and stuck to her guns, allowing her to graduate from her Cornerstone Construction Training and purchase her car from ChangingGears all in one day! Inspired by her experience Amy decided to name her car CAROL:

C - CityLink

A - Amy

R - Rachel

O - Opportunity

L - Life Changing

Cornerstone Construction Training attracted Amy because she likes the “hands on” aspect of construction and how she can get stuff DONE! Her favorite part of the training was working on the Habitat for Humanity project. During this process, Amy learned a lot about building community and the support we all need to reach our goals. Rachel and Clare from CityLink helped keep her spirits up throughout the process and Doug, Gregory and Dwayne from the training taught her the skills she needs to succeed in construction.

Now that Amy has CAROL, she is able to get to work on time and still sleep in instead of waking up an extra hour early to catch the bus. She’s also able to help people in her community by driving them to their jobs too! Amy starts her new job with Turner Construction next month and she can’t wait. We can’t wait to see all that Amy will continue to accomplish at her new job, with her car and HER DETERMINATION.


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